Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThis was such an inspiring session. Thanks to the panellists for sharing your ideas and wonderful work. I am hearing Pika’s ‘I am the land and the land is me’ mentioned in several other sessions, and also in the indigenous thread in this live open mic forum.
ParticipantThanks for raising the issue of the very difficult situation faced by the people of Hong Kong and the challenge for social workers who see injustices and want to take action, but now find it virtually impossible. I feel for you so much. I visited HK in June 2020 when the protests were happening, and social workers were on the frontlines on the street. Two years later the situation is so much worse. You are right to keep reminding the world what is going on in HK, and to seek solidarity and support.
ParticipantThis is a great project Simon! I am moderating this live mic session at present, which is why I am taking time to think of some responses to comments. The live mic space doesn’t seem to be buzzing, so I wonder if you might get some more responses if you put out your call in some of the live social work focused sessions on the programme today and tomorrow, asking people to add to the chat in the Open Mic space? The Social Work Ethics Research Group has been collecting stories of ethical challenges – these are often about negative or difficult situations, but frequently social workers have handled them with courage and wisdom. Of course, there are a lot of these from social workers during the pandemic – who took initiatives, who did very careful ethical thinking etc. Happy to connect with you.
ParticipantGeorgianna – this is such a challenge. There seems to me to be a real danger of, for example, taking a philosophy of life/way of being and living such as ‘Ubuntu’, and turning it into a one-word slogan as an answer to the world’s problems. It then becomes meaningless and abstracted from context, as well as (inappropriately) appropriated. I think ‘westerners’ like me can only try to appreciate and learn from indigenous and other worldviews/ways of living to give a new perspective on my own approach to life and stimulate critical perspectives on norms, assumptions and values in my own dominant culture.
ParticipantThis is quite a challenge Richard! Sounds like you are good at multi-dimensional, holistic thinking. it would be great to see such a model
ParticipantVery inspiring Lauren! And a nice challenge to connect with our emotions and sense of who we are. I have just come from the CommonweaLth Youth Programme Live Panel. A key quality suggested by one of the panellists was PERSEVERANCE in working on seemingly intractable challenges.