‘Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind’ People’s Summit
IFSW has been working with a range of partners to build a global conversation on what local and global values, policies and practices are needed when we emerge out of the pandemic. Through these partnerships we have launched the Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind’ People’s Summit. This historic people’s summit will bring together community representatives, politicians, unions, civil rights movements, climate justice leaders and create opportunities for all people to contribute to changing the world values.
IFSW president Silvana Martinez, commented, “IFSW is very proud to be hosting this event. There are a wide and growing range of partners representing all aspects of every society who have committed to working together to set a new vision for the world. The summit will be inclusive for everyone worldwide. This is a once in a generation opportunity for us all to act together and make the difference we all seek.” To read the press release from the summit partners please click here.
Your participation is vital. As this process develops we need your view on what kind of values, policies and practices the world needs to become sustainable and just. Shortly a survey will be available on this website where you can share your ideas. But you can start now! Let people know that this event is taking place and that every community is invited to gathering their ideas on what changes they want to see.
To download images for your social media and your websites please click here.
Please share widely, so everyone can be involved!