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The Limits to growth and its implications for health care
Over decades has capitalist economic growth widened health inequities globally. It Is also the main driver of the multiple ecological, pandemic, food and social crises communities face today . Growthism, and is expansionary, appropriating, colonial, violent nature is at the core of these multiple crises. An alternative paradigm needs to be imagined that moves economic policies to a Post-Growth vision of human and ecological wellbeing. Building an active social and climate justice movement is at heart of this transformation. The original scenarios of the Limits to Growth (1972) publication will be highlighted and complemented by newer economic concepts such as the Doughnut Economics Model and Degrowth policy. Its implications and relevance for health, care and social systems will be outlined via examples in and outside Europe. Another world is not only possible, it will arrive before our very eyes. Will this be an enchanted world of Eco-Social care and connection or an Eco-apartheid state for the few?
Dr. Remco van de Pas is a public health doctor and a global health researcher. He has a position as senior research associate at the Centre for Planetary Health Policy in Berlin and is lecturer in Global health at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp.
His teaching and research focuses on global health governance, its political-economy and foreign policy with a special attention on health workforce development and migration, health system strengthening, social protection and health financing, global health security, socio -ecological determinants of health, economic globalization and its impact on health equity.
Remco is a board member of the Medicus Mundi International–Network Health for All!, a visiting research fellow at Clingendael, Netherlands Institute of International Relations and associate editor of the academic journal Globalization and Health.