Click here to join LIVE. 1 July, 12.30 UTC:
Live Panel facilitated by The Social Work Ethics Research Group (SWERG)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, social workers, along with many other professionals and citizens, had to rethink and reprioritise their professional values and ethics. Practices that might be regarded as right or beneficial in ‘normal’ times suddenly became wrong or harmful in pandemic conditions (e.g. visiting someone at home). Similarly, new policies and procedures introduced during the pandemic were beneficial for some people, but harmful for others. In what circumstances should policies be challenged or ignored? How can more creative, respectful and just practices be developed? What can we learn from the rethinking, reprioritising and innovation during the crisis of the pandemic for how we might respond to the climate crisis and other political, humanitarian or military emergencies?
This panel is a follow-on from the keynote session “Beyond the pandemic: Exploring social work ethics and values as a contribution to a new eco-social world to discuss the issues raised in more depth. It will present examples of new configurations of values, and how they are influencing different ways of practising social work, with implications for all social and health care professions whose mission is to promote social and ecological justice in the ever-changing 21st-century world. We will invite participants to share their reflections and experiences and formulate recommendations to be taken forward from the Summit.
- Sarah Banks, Professor, Dept of Sociology, Durham University (UK)
- Teresa Bertotti, Associate Professor, Dept of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (Italy)
- Lynne Cairns, Doctoral researcher, Dept of Sociology, Durham University (UK)
- Jane Shears, Head of Professional Development, British Association of Social Workers & Global Ethics Commissioner, International Federation of Social Workers (UK)
- Michelle Shum, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong)
- Ana M. Sobočan, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- Kim Strom, Professor, School of Social Work, University of North Carolina (USA)
- María Jesús Úriz, Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Public University of Navarra (Spain)
- Stephano Akuzika Joseph, IFSW African Regional Ethics Commissioner, International Federation of Social Workers (Malawi)
- Hassan Mousavi Chelak, PhD, President of Iran Association of Social Workers (IrASW) and IFSW Asia-Pacific Regional Ethics Commissioner, (Iran)
- Abbasali Yazdani, PhD, Board of directors, IrASW and NGO social worker (Iran)
- Hadi Ridha Ashkanani, Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Kuwait University (Kuwait)